Period 1 | 9.00 am – 9.50am |
Period 2 | 9.50am – 10.40am |
Recess | 10.40am – 11.04am |
Period 3 | 11.04am – 11.54am |
Period 4 | 11.54am – 12.44pm |
Lunch | 12.44pm – 1.32pm |
Period 5 | 1.32pm – 2.22pm |
Period 6 | 2.22pm – 3.12pm |
Students are expected to arrive at school by 8.50am so they can gather the appropriate resources to arrive at class on time.
The College day is divided into six lessons lasting 50 minutes in duration. There is a recess break of 24 minutes and a lunch break of 48 minutes.
The College’s external gates are locked between at 9.00am and 3.12pm. Any student arriving at school after 9am must enter via the College’s Administration Office to sign in. Late arrivals to school interrupt the teaching and learning of others so please ensure your children arrive on time.